PMDG 777 Autopilot Profile - Version 1.1
Updated versions of our PMDG 777-300ER Autopilot Profiles (Version 1.1) for the Stream Deck XL and Stream Deck Plus, are now available for download.
If you purchased your Flight Panels from our online store at https://flightpanels.io, we'll send you an email when the updates are available to download. If your purchase was made at an online marketplace such as SimMarket, these updates will typically be made available within 72 hours.
Stream Deck XL Profile Improvements
[Bug] Button display for EFIS MODE is not reflecting the correct state
[Bug] Button display for EFIS RANGE is not reflecting the correct state
[Bug] Button display for MINS SRC is not reflecting the correct state
[Bug] Button display for BARO REF is not reflecting the correct state
Stream Deck + Profile Improvements
[Bug] Button display for BARO REF is not reflecting the correct state