PMDG Boeing 737 Series - Version 1.4.1
An updated version (1.4.1) of our PMDG Boeing 737 Series is now available for download. If you purchased your Flight Panels from our online store at https://flightpanels.io, we'll send you an email when the updates are available to download. If your purchase was made at an online marketplace such as SimMarket, these updates will typically be made available within 72 hours.
Release Notes (v1.4.1)
Multiple issues with the 15 Key profile have been addressed in this release.
Release Notes (v1.4)
[Bug] Temperature probe annunciation light isn't working as expected
[Bug] Ground Power switch only partially functional (Short Press: On, Long: Off)
[Bug] Non-functional L&R Pack buttons
[Bug] High setting missing on L&R Packs (Now activated with a long press)
[Bug] Non-functional Isolation valve switches
[Bug] Isolation valve auto setting is missing (Now activated with a long pres)
[Bug] N1 button displays 3 dots when active
[Bug] Dome Light Switch moves but light doesn't turn on
[Bug] Vertical speed (V/S) display only returns 0
[Bug] Upper DU switch works in the opposite direction
[Bug] Fire horn doesn't work on captains side
[Bug] Pushing ENG 2 DISH L activate APU fire handle
[Bug] First officers flight director button is missing
[Bug] 15 Key AP/EFIS WX & STA commands are mixed up
[Bug] 15 Key HYD ELEC 1&2 control opposite systems
[Bug] Parking brake status button is non-functional
[Bug] Non-functional ISDU light button