New! HPG H145 Stream Deck Profiles
Hot on the heels of our recent Garmin GTN750 releases for the Stream Deck XL (Store Link) and Stream Deck + (Store Link), we're pleased to announce the availability of our Hype Performance Group (HPG) Airbus H145 Helicopter Stream Deck Series and Stream Deck + Autopilot Panel for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
Developed by Hype Performance Group, which was founded by Steve Daniels and Dave Amenta - known for their extensive work on the iconic freeware H135 Helicopter Project (which has accumulated 600K+ downloads); the HPG Airbus H145 is one of the most comprehensive and detailed helicopters available for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
Designed to deliver excellent performance throughout the flight envelope, The H145 is the latest member of its 4-ton-class twin-engine rotorcraft product range – with designed-in mission capability and flexibility, especially in high and hot operating conditions. Compact in size, this helicopter’s small footprint and large, flexible cabin make it the aircraft of choice for a variety of civil or military missions. The best-selling H145 family (BK117, EC145 and H145) has more than 1,350 helicopters in service around the world and has clocked more than 5.5 million flight hours. - [Product Page]
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Our HPG H145 Autopilot panel (Store Link) includes real-time altitude, speed, heading and vertical speed values on the primary screen - one of the most requested features in recent months. Additional pages provide the ability to manage external lighting (our second most requested feature!) and the ability to modify and swap transponder, communication and ADF frequencies.