Fenix A320 Series - Version 1.8
An updated version (1.8) of our Fenix A320 Stream Deck Profile Series is now available for download. If you purchased your Flight Panels from our online store at https://flightpanels.io, we'll send you an email when the updates are available to download. If your purchase was made at an online marketplace such as SimMarket, these updates will typically be made available within 72 hours.
Release Notes
[Bug] Set Baro button incorrectly sets the barometer to STD
[Bug] Active/Standby comms values are blank
[Bug] APU AVAIL status is not working as intended
[Bug] Dome Lighting button doesn't support 'Dim' status
[Enhancement] Updated images for Spoilers & Parking Brake
New Features & Additions
- Added Landing Gear Lever
- Added Landing Gear Indications
- Added Landing Gear Anti-Skid buttons
- Added Brake Temperatures indications
- Added Auto-Brakes (Lo, Med, Max)
- Added Nose Locked (Push Back) indication
- Added Chrono (Start/Stop/Reset & Value)
- Added Flaps Up/Down + Indication buttons
- Added Brake Fan & brake Hot buttons
- Added Engine mode button (i.e Crank)
- Added Engine 1/Engine 2 master buttons
- Added Baro increase and decrease
- Added Current pressure indication
- Added HDG TRK button
New Ground Services Panel
- Request pushback tug
- Request baggage services
- Request catering services
- Request ground power
- Request fuel truck
- Request air bridge
- Request stairs
New Push Back Controls
- Push back services available indication
- Tug attached indication
- Pushback speed indication
- Pushback tire RPM indication
- Pushback angle indication
- Ambient ground temperature indication
- Wind indication