Fenix & FlyByWire Gen 2 Autopilot Profiles
Richard Kennedy
Updates for our Fenix A3XX (A319, A320 & A321) and FlyByWire A32NX Stream Deck + Autopilot Profiles are now available for download. If you purchased your Flight Panels from our online store, we'll send you an email when the updates are available to download. If your purchase was made at an online marketplace such as SimMarket, these updates will typically be made available within 72 hours.
To find out what's new in these releases, please read our blog post "New Gen 2 Autopilot Profiles"
Fenix A3XX (A319, A320 & A321) Stream Deck + Autopilot Profile
New Version: 2.0 | Store Link
FlyByWire A32NX Stream Deck + Autopilot Profile
New Version: 2.0 | Store Link