Multi-Product AeroLens Updates

Multi-Product AeroLens Updates

A number of minor updates have been released for our Fenix A320, SF50 Vision Jet and Boeing 787 Dreamliner AeroLens Profiles. If you purchased your Flight Panels from our online store at, we'll send you an email when the updates are available to download. If your purchase was made at an online marketplace such as SimMarket, these updates will typically be made available within 72 hours.


AeroLens Pro - Fenix A320 (v1.3)

  • [Enhancement] Added additional interior cabin views

AeroLens Pro - SF50 Vision Jet (v1.2)

  • [Bug] Incorrect naming convention for instrumentation views

AeroLens Pro - Boeing 787 Dreamliner (v1.1)

  • [Bug] MCDU view is missing


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